Keeping the Look of Your Site Fresh

A page caught my eye today and it got me thinking about how we present our businesses online from the standpoint of typography. I know a lot of people may find that a bit geeky but I think it would serve most people who haven’t thought about it well to look at their site and ask themselves if it’s perhaps a bit dowdy.

Often, we throw up our business sites in as expedient a manner possible simply because we don’t feel we have the time to mess around with it. That’s a shame because now, with the proliferation of web fonts available at a very low cost or no cost, there’s no reason to let the look of your online presence reflect badly on your business. I’m going to add a list of sites to peruse at the end of this post.Â

In many cases, if your hard copy business collateral like business cards, stationery, etc. have been designed with a particular look, you can quite easily adapt the typographic conventions you spent good money on right to your site. Want to know how?

Contact us about doing a little sprucing up on your site and while you’re at it, ask for a free website audit to see how you’re set up to rank in the search engines.

Typography links:

Trail Mix