Google Mobile Changes Experiment

Tenon SEM has set up an experiment to follow how Google’s algorithm changes can effect a site. Local business here in the upstate would do well to pay attention to the results as your customers are relying more and more on searches made on their mobile devices.

In the one corner, we have an older site built on classic .asp technology. It’s not mobile friendly and is currently ranking on the first page for almost 20 very nice keywords for our local area. In cooperation with the client, we’ve decided to do nothing to this site as our test bed.

Next, we’ve built a mobile-friendly more modern site utilizing the company’s brand name. We started with a very tired site under that domain and have built something much nicer. It currently ranks on the first page for exactly one term and that’s at position 9.

We’ve set our baseline numbers for visits and ranking and we’re going to monitor the results over the next several months. We believe that it will be a great case study for businesses here in Greenville/Spartanburg to use when deciding how they want to present themselves. We will keep you updated.